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Is States IPTV a Scam?


Can anyone recommend a good iptv service?
On Startpage.com I searched for iptv and it suggested https://statesiptv.com/

Dedicatedly focused on increasing the entertainment level in your life, StatesIPTV is offering a cost-effective IPTV service with HD channels. Our platform has been designed to work flawlessly on multiple devices and interfaces.

States Iptv the most affordable IPTV provider

I was directed to a whatsapp business account and they took me to youtube account https://youtu.be/lr_PAaMbm6g that showed me how to add their service to my Samsung TV

There test link did not work - I was then asked to sign up to a paid version - I wondered was this just to get my credit card number?
Am I a natural doubter?

I followed their phoned number in truthfinder.com (a paid service I use to verify who I am talking to in the USA).
Owner Name.  Caccord  Address California, PA, 15419

According to Linkedin Roshini Gurram,
Founder & CEO at cAccord Information Private Limited

cAccord Information Private Limited
Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Now in the whatsapp chat - there was the option in one of the links in running it in English or Russian.....

Your Electronic Programme Guide is:


Login Details :


Username :38638016

Password : dKpTC8sF58

Now their link did not work!

[7:30 PM, 5/13/2023] States Iptv: username: WfH7tt23BP
[7:30 PM, 5/13/2023] States Iptv: password: u6WNaAct9a
[7:30 PM, 5/13/2023] States Iptv: http://shakeiptv.com:8080/
[7:30 PM, 5/13/2023] States Iptv: Try this test line

It did not work p however the link went to https://nginx.org/ that allowed reading of the site in english or русский

I am wondering who am i talking to ? Is this an elaborate scam?


8080 is simply a communications port normally used for HTTP on a computer.
xmltv.php is a PHP file named xmitv. Theoretically, it expects to see the username [38638016] and password [dKpTC8sF58].
"русский" translates to the Russian word "Russian"

This whole thing smells of a play to get things for free (or nearly so) that the original sources expect compensation. In other words, GREED. One of the most common and oldest known human traits.

Good luck trying to get any support for the inevitable problems that will arise. I suspect the first problem you will encounter is frequent loss of your favorite series or station as the original owners discover the theft of their material.

"Buyer beware!"

Personally, I avoid anything relying on anything from the two countries mentioned without having a deep historical connection and recognized reputation.

I am willing to pay. I live In Spain now and am a British expat - I cannot speak Spanish so just wondered if i could get News.
I do have access to zamdl.co.uk it was recommended by my pastor. It worked fine in the UK, b=not so well here

I’m not talking about your willingness to pay. I’m concerned about getting what you are paying for. :whistling:

Hopefully, the EU will have effective SCAM/SPAM regulations. It seems to be a “personal freedom” around here. Right up there with assault weapon ownership. :blink:

I want to say that I sorted out all this problem by a friend of a friend, and have IPTV and can get every TV station in the world on it. Its useful for news media, and watching some movies


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