First the easy news:
You won't need Adobe Reader. As a matter of fact, I can't remember ever needing it, at least since Preview has been around. ".pdf" type files automatically open in Preview and you can add text blocks and several other effects (highlighting/underlines/boxes/signatures/images/redactions/etc.).
BTW, you won't need Adobe Acrobat either. You can create a PDF, of practically any document by simply selecting "Save/Print to PDF" in any Apple Print dialog.
All those other apps, except FireFox and iTunes, included with the OS.
The latest version FireFox is easily downloaded.
iTunes was replaced several OS versions ago by "Music".
All your Apple apps will be the latest versions, of course. Using most of them will probably be a major shock! You likely will not recognize what you see. There are no longer any "Preferences"; they are replaced by "Settings" (the result of Microsoft invading Apple

jchuzi mentioned, Word is pretty much buried in corporate greed. I never installed it on my computers, always used Pages. My wife "uses" Word and it is always a "learning experience" and a Google search when she forgets how to do the simplest thing. I try to plan on doing errands (out-of-state!) or re-install all my neighbors landscaping when I know she will be using Word.

Back in Oct 2019 I created a 62-page (31 double-sided), 2-column, 50th HS graduation "Memory Book" with Pages. It includes yearbook pictures as well as current images of each person, if available. Text/paragraphs wrap around the image(s) and between columns and pages. I can't image trying to create anything in word as intuitively as it is done in Pages.

As for hardware, I would recommend a Mac mini with as large a monitor as you can justify. You will save money and desk space.