Author Topic: Interesting Speed Test Results...  (Read 1201 times)

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Interesting Speed Test Results...
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:15:33 PM »
I have been using Witopia's personal VPN for a couple of years to increase online security (particularly when using public hot-spots...)

In the beginning the VPN server (usually located near Washington, D.C.) was often 1/4 of the speed of my 3mbps Charter server.  I accepted the slower speeds but I didn't like it very much...! As Witopia added more and apparently faster severs I noticed a definite speed increase in the past six months or so.

Last night a friend sent me the SpeakEasy speed test link so for the heck of it I compared Charter to personalVPN.  Here are the results:

SpeakEasy San Francisco Server via Charter:  4845 download/485 upload (I have a 5mbps Charter account.; Charter no longer offers a 3mbps option...)

SpeakEasy S.F. via personalVPN:  3273 download/1601 upload

SpeakEasy Washington D.C. Server via personalVPN:  4429 download/1683 upload

The Bottom Line: The personalVPN upload speed was over three times a fast as Charter. Download speed was compromised but at times it can be comparable to Charter. Throw-in strong encryption, an anonymous IP address and the fact that Charter cannot monitor my Internet connections and e-mail and the $40 per year for personalVPN appears to be a very good deal indeed...