Just took a look at ARC. Might be fine for Desktop. Will not install on mobile devices however as the only search engine currently is Google. I've only used DuckDuckGo on all my devise for the last few years.
So far, I'm finding Apple is pretty fast with security updates for Safari. How does Arc match with Apple in that area? Apparently Arc is at version 1.28.x.
Well, that didn't get very far. First it wanted to import my passwords from Safari (or any other browser that might store them(!). I don't store any passwords in any browser, but I clicked the "Safari" button, anyway.
Second, it wants "Full Disk Access". That's pretty normal for any kind of utility. Apparently, one of the changes in Ventura is that "Files and Folders" is no longer a choice in Security & Privacy. In Ventura, it's 'all-or-nothing'. Without any experience with the Browser Company, I'll forego further access to their app(s). Thus I selected "Do this later".
Now I get to select my favorite apps. I assume a multi-colored, dot-matrix "F" is Faceslap? Obviously "X" is the app formerly known a Twot! I think there is an icon for MS Outlook. Why would I be using a MS app?! I doubt the little box with an "N" inside it is for Netscape! I have no idea what the other four icons are. By now I think the center icon is Arc's indicator for choosing some other "favorite" app. Possibly, but I may not have even got 2.5 out of 9! The red outlined box with the right-pointing arrow only turns on/off the red outline for the bod. Rhat icon does look like a YouTube icon.

Guess I'll try the "Skip for now" link. I already keep all my favorite apps running pretty much any time the Mac is on, no need for another side-bar taking up screen real estate.

Fourth, it wants to import my bookmarks. This will be fast because I don't keep any bookmarks in any browser. That's what URLM Pro is for; all my 1.5MBs of bookmarks (plus the last 1,000 visited sites) always available in all my browsers. I will only switch to Arc (or any other browser) if it or URLM Pro is supported.
I don't think I'm in the targeted users. Oh well...

Of course, part of my problems may be related to my skipping many of the settings.