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Messages - marie

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2004 / Running Linux on a G4 iMac
« on: January 29, 2004, 07:19:49 PM »
But more RAM will speed your time on your computer so that you will have more time to lavish upon your understanding husband.

You see - you are only buying more RAM for him.

What a thoughtful, selfless wife!

 tongue.gif  Somehow I do not think that is the way he will see it!! Already growling about the PB. LOL

2004 / Running Linux on a G4 iMac
« on: January 29, 2004, 05:26:54 PM »
Well Uncle Sams refund is going to finance two things more than likely! Ram (I want to max out!) and YDL. Right now the hubby would throw a fit if I sprung for them right now!
I noticed almost immediatly that the forums sure are nothing like our beloved TS! I joined a newbie mailing list for YDL and I must say everyone there is quite helpful.
I have done all my updates, however this recompiling of the kernel you speak of ....What is that? How do I do that? Remember I am quite new to linux!! Please feel free to PM me with this information!

2004 / New Email Scam!
« on: January 28, 2004, 05:09:19 PM »
Just on our local news..
An email stating it is from the Deparment of Homeland security stating your bank has lost its FDIC backing due to the Patriot Act.
Apparently they ask for account #s, SSN, etc.
BEWARE friends!!

2004 / Running Linux on a G4 iMac
« on: January 28, 2004, 05:03:18 PM »
I resolved the graphics issue by going from 3.0 to 3.0.1. I suppose you can use 3.0 but installing with my NVIDIA Geoforce Fx 5200 was text based. Just starting out it was just overwhelming trying to use xautoconfig. It was not co-operating what so ever. I admitable was getting aggrevated. I went to version 3.0.1 and boom.....installed (graphic) without a hitch! However, I did have to leave the graphic card at the generic OF but its going great.
I did have some time out issues with yum updater. Seems the servers are "overwhelmed", so I had to "revamp" it for another mirror.
I really like it! Nice, flawless, clean look to it. As far as functionality, I have yet to gain enough experience to speak of it yet.  I see no real speed differnces between YDL and OS X yet. My machine has 256 ram, 1ghz processor.
I think the real test would be on an older machine. I have read where it really puts new zip into an older machine.
One issue however that I do not care for, is that there is not alot of support out there unless you are willing to pay for it. By that I mean, I have found 1 forum, not near as helpful as TS  , and the other forum is YDL within TerraSoft  and its a pay forum. I am a thrifty person, I will admit that openly, and quite frankly it kinda annoys me.
I would recommend it to anyone wishing a change of venue now and then, or as an alternative on an older machine unable to run OS X.

2004 / Any 1 have an answers?
« on: January 27, 2004, 05:55:49 PM »
OH..but according to Sir Gates

"A high volume system like [Windows] that has been thoroughly tested will be by far the most secure," Gates told the audience at the Developing Software for the future Microsoft Platform conference at London's Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. "To say a system is secure because no one is attacking it is very dangerous," said Gates, referring to operating systems that have a smaller share of the desktop market, such as Apple Mac OS and Linux.



Maybe viruses are created for windows to teach Bill to get his $%$#% together, before making BILLIONS off the unsuspecting users.

Quote from Symantec Blaster worm write up, this was actually "writen" if you will, into the virus:
The worm contains the following text, which is never displayed:

I just want to say LOVE YOU SAN!!
billy gates why do you make this possible ? Stop making money and fix your software!!

2004 / I'm easily amused
« on: January 27, 2004, 02:46:00 PM »
Ditto.....with Paddy!

2004 / Any 1 have an answers?
« on: January 27, 2004, 02:39:35 PM »
Okay...I have seen no REAL differences in the two...except i believe pro comes with office on it....I think.
You ABSOLUTY MUST HAVE THE UPDATES. If not, pretty much immediately you can expect after going online to be infected with blaster, and a score of ...I believe at last count possibly 65,000 different viruses (don't quote me on an exact figure, as I cannot remember!)
Also a necessity, not an option is Norton Antivirus for sure!
Hope this helps you out.

2004 / Running Linux on a G4 iMac
« on: January 27, 2004, 10:51:38 AM »
Thank you for the link Epaminondas, interesting reading! Am enjoying all the discovery of new things right now!

2004 / Airport keeps loosing connection
« on: January 07, 2004, 09:31:05 PM »
The word on the Apple support forums is out, I and another poster have both upgraded firmware and ensured the most current airport software, and so far the result is GREAT!
Thanks again so much for posting and suggesting!!

2004 / Airport keeps loosing connection
« on: January 06, 2004, 07:57:06 PM »
More testing......still working!! clap.gif

2004 / Airport keeps loosing connection
« on: January 06, 2004, 07:34:30 PM »
Ok Mayo...
Think I just might owe you an apology...after much searching and aggrevation, I decided to double check, throw caution to the wind ......and go back to linksys and just try running a firmware upgrade and if I cook the router, well....
It sucessfully updated the who smoke rolled out of that #$#%#$%$&^&%& router......
I have initially upon quick testing ( sleep mode and a restart) obtained the connection right off the bat without having to powercycle the router, or go into the network and try tinkering with the settings!!  Boy do I hope this lasts!! I love my Apple, but aggrevation was really getting the best of me!!
So in closing, many apologys....(SP?) I believe you are right and I jumped the gun. I do have one question, if the firmware does not need upgraded will it not do it? Did I just "overlay" the firmware? Router firmware upgrades are new to me, so I may have fouled up...Heck I don't know....
I am so confused I got the smoke rolling out my ears!! tongue.gif

2004 / Epson Print Drivers
« on: January 04, 2004, 05:03:53 PM »
Thanks I was a bit afraid I may have done something incorrectly....thought I better swallow the pride and ask..... biggrin.gif

2004 / Epson Print Drivers
« on: January 04, 2004, 03:34:46 PM »
Okay guys, reading this post presents and interesting question to me. When I received my PB I immediately upgraded to Panther, however, it never asked me for disk three. Was is suppost to? Mind you I am somewhat of a mac "greenhorn" but I just wondered if I missed something? Go easy on me...LOL

2004 / Airport keeps loosing connection
« on: January 03, 2004, 09:51:48 PM »
Oh don't get me wrong I appreciate all suggestions .....for sure. I guess I should not complain...LOL the walk from the dining room to the router is exersize right?  tongue.gif
I am unsure as to what you are referring to when you say Macnn? If you are referring to the Apple websites support discussion forums it seems to be a pretty common issue. Everyone is scrambling it seems to try and find a resolution, so I know at this point I am not alone. Seems its with the Linksys BEFW11S4 in particular.
I honestly at first thought I had configured something improperly!
As for when it began, I cannot honestly answer that. My powerbook arrived with Jaguar, and I immediatly upgraded to Panther, same night as its arrival. In hindsight maybe I should have held off a bit.
Again, thanks so much for the suggestions. I will just sit tight and keep my eyes peeled for anything I see that may help out.
Thank you!

2004 / Airport keeps loosing connection
« on: January 02, 2004, 07:02:40 PM »
I checked what you suggested and no dice. Latest firmware is in the router. I guess until I can find a solution or someone elese does I will live with constant powercycles of the router wallbash.gif

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