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Messages - mooregr

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2004 / Dirty keyboard/Mac 8500
« on: January 31, 2004, 10:47:03 PM »
I use an old paintbrush to knock loose things from around the keys. Of course I bought the brush just for that purpose. Hold the keyboard upside down or sideways and brush all of the junk out of it. Then I usually use alcohol, 409 or some sort of similar cleaner. Spray the 409 on a folded paper towel. Or Hold the paper towel on top of the alcohol bottle and turn it upside down. You are looking for it to be damp but not soaked and definitely not dripping.  Squeeze it out if it is too wet. Anyway I use the dampened towel to wipe off the top and sides of the keys.
Hope it hellps

2004 / How can I boost a wireless LAN network signal?
« on: January 31, 2004, 10:38:50 PM »
If you have an ethernet jack in the office then a wireless router would give you an additional wireless access point and a better signal for your local computers. The only thing you may want to watch for is to make sure you are not serving ip addresses out over the ethernat network in your school. This could interfere with other computers in your school. Make sure that you connect the wan connetion to the ethernet connectionin the office. Some of these routers have some extra ports for use by local computers and printers in the office.
Hope it helps.

2004 / Which is worse?
« on: January 31, 2004, 10:28:41 PM »
You don't mention what model of Macintosh you are using. This might make a difference maybe open-firmware related. I looked on the Mitsubishi web site and they are recommending turning the monitor off for 20 seconds and then back on.

It mayu also be related to DDC monitor support in the ATI card.  This maybe incorrectly sensing the monitor information. I would not be worried about turning the monitor off.
Hope it helps

2004 / What is this?? And do I need it?
« on: January 31, 2004, 10:26:59 PM »
I would suggest moving the file to another folder and see if it comes back or breaks something. That way you could put it back. Just by what you have shown it looks like a network related log file of some sort. It may come back if you run what ever made it again. I don't know for sure but I would try moving it.

2004 / ibook memory upgrade
« on: January 31, 2004, 10:17:53 PM »
Installing the ram is easy. The only thing to really make sure that you get bot of the little screws on the AirPort bracket out smoothly. I have had to disassemble two iBooks from people losing the screws into the AirPort card slot. The screws got lodged against the motherboard but would not shake out. I would make sure you remove the screws before you try to move the airport card bracket.

2004 / Eudora Vs. Mail In Panther
« on: January 30, 2004, 09:54:02 PM »
I guess I am the odd one out here. I switched from Eudora 4.2 to Mail when OS X was released.  I guess I am gadget freak. I have a Palm pilot, Cell Phone and a .mac account. I wanted to be able to have the one address book for all of them and my email. At that time Eudora did not have a spam filter. Anyway Mail uses the Apple addressbook and will sync with iSync. So I stayed with Mail it works pretty well.

2004 / How to export my email address book?
« on: December 25, 2003, 04:27:26 PM »
You don't mention which version of Outlook Express you are using. I looked on Microsoft's Knowledge base and found what looks like it may be valuable information.  It was saying when you export the contacts they are in tab delimited format.  They also talk about importing your exported contacts file in Excel and telling it to use tab delimited.  This would put you information in columns in what may be a wide spread sheet. You could rearrange the columns or delete the ones you don't need and print the spreadsheet out.  If you don't use Office you could always open the file in AppleWorks and do the same sort of thing.  If you open it in a wordprocessor of some sort you should be ablle to set tabs and get te data to line up.  The problem with using a wordprocessor is that the file will probably look like a jumbled mess until you get tabs lined up to match the length of the clouns of data. If you do decide to use a text editor it has to support tabs.  The spread sheet is easier since you can move/delete columns of information. In a spreadsheet the data between tabs will be in one cell. Instead of being a jumbled mess each chunk of data that is too long to show in the column width will just not show the extra characters.  I guess I am rambling so I will quit.  Here is the URl fot eh article:;en-us;264614

Hope this helps!

PS:Merry Christmas!

2004 / Any Tech Survivor Fans going to MacWorld 2004?
« on: December 24, 2003, 10:29:29 PM »
I am going to be out at MacWorld this January. Are there any other Tech Survivor fans going? I am looking forward to my yearly dose of Steve's  Reality Distortion Field and of course lots of new products.

2003 / Troubleshooting, memory, et al.
« on: December 24, 2003, 10:11:22 PM »
The second 3.5" IDE drive will need to be jumpered so that it is a Slave drive. Usually they are marked on the top of the drive or on the circuit board to indicate what the jumper setting will do to the drive. Usually there is a jumper that may be not doing anything or jumpered as Master.  Most of the time new drives are set to Master as the default setting. There are jumper settings for Cabel Select(CS), Slave and Master.  Most IDE setups have two busses each bus has it's own cable. Each cable has two connectors on it.  On any one cable you use either the Cable Select configuration on both drives that are connected to that particular cable or use the Master/Slave configuration by setting one drive to Master and the other drive to Slave. You can't mix one Cabel Select and one Master or Slave on the same cable. The initial drive installed is set to Master so the second drive should be set to Slave.  I have tried using Cable Select on the same model G4 Mac you are describing and setting the jumpers to Cable Select was unreliable and caused weird problems. Switching back to a Master and Slave configuration fixed all of the weird problems.  On G4s like you mention the drive bracket from the factory drive has holes in it just above the current drive for the second drive to be mounted. The IDE cable has a connector for  then new  drive. There is aslo a power connector for the drive. Get a new 3.5" IDE drive jumper it to Slave remove the factory drive bracket and all by disconnecting the power and data cables. Remove the one phillips screw holding the drive bracket (right in the center of the bracket) below the data connector. Now lif up a little and slid the driv toward to mother board. Once you get the drive bracket out mount the new drive just above the factory drive. The bracket will have to be flexed a bit to tighten the screws.  Slide the drive bracket back in, replace the screw for the bracket and connect the IDE connecctors and the power connectors. Last but not least you will need to run the disk utility to partition and format your new drive.

2003 / Help! Problem with backing-up with Deja Vu
« on: December 23, 2003, 11:01:45 PM »
I would boot from you OS X install disk 1. Put disk 1 in the cd drive and boot while holding the c key down until you see the spinniing cog. Once the machine has booted from the CD you will be in the install program. Go up to the menus and look for the reset password utility. Once it is running select the account that you want to change. Then enter the new password(in this case try erasing what is there and leaving them blank). Is you account an administrator account? Maybe there is a password difference if you are not admin. Or maybe it change with Panther... but then again i have set empty passwords in Panther and Jaguar. Is the error message indication that you can't write over the files on the external drive? Or is it indicating they you don't have rights to copy the files?  While you have the computer boted from the CD you may want to run Repair Permissions. when you are in the installation program choose"Disk Utility" from one of the menus. Once the disk utility is running choose the first aid option.  Highlight thhe disk icon on the left side of the window and choose "Repair Privledges". It might take quite a while and may seem like it is doing nothing but it will give you feedback when it is done. Another possibility would be that some of the filees you are copying are locked. You can unlock them by highlighting the file in the finder and choosing Get Info from the file menu. Now uncheck the locked check box.  I am not familiar with Deja Vu so this may not be much help. I was wondeing if anyone reading the remembers an adventure program for the Mac called Deja Vu?  I used to play it on my Mac+ , when I first saw this thread I wondered if someone was trying to copy the floppys it cam on.  Ha! Ha!

2003 / Help with iCard, please
« on: December 23, 2003, 10:42:08 PM »
i just sent an iCard to my self to see what happens on the other end.  The card that is sent is just a Jpeg file attached to the email.  If you can have them save it and open it in a web browser they may be able to read it. The Mail that comes with OS X also shows it in the message body, but at the top there is a paper clip that allows you to save it.  You could always save it on your computer and create a new message that only treats it as an attachment and send that to the people having problems with reading the card.
Hope it helps

2004 / Show your TS spirit! New TS online store!
« on: December 23, 2003, 10:24:05 PM »
I have the long sleeve -T which does not have the logo. It sounds like that is by design, speaking of which I really like to logo!  I am defintely happy with the shirt. I will order a short sleeve when our weather gets warmer!

2003 / In need of advise for a pb or ibook purchase
« on: December 22, 2003, 06:09:21 PM »

I just found this article comparing the two:

2004 / Show your TS spirit! New TS online store!
« on: December 22, 2003, 05:04:49 PM »
I got my long sleeve-T today! Its great but the motto "where there are NO stupid questions" is not on tht shirt just logo on fromt and back.

2003 / Memory /software conflict
« on: December 21, 2003, 10:01:42 PM »
Have you run the hardware diagnostic CD that came with you iMac? I would give it a try and see if the memory fails. Another possibility is it changing some monitor settings that the iMac can't handle.  Does the iMac seem to be still working?  Can you hit Command-Q and hear the hard drive working? If your keyboard has a power-on button on it, will it shut down if you hit the power on button and then the return key?  This might tell you that the computer is not locked up and that the screen just freaked out. This might help in trouble shooting the problem. Does the problem occur when you connect to .mac using contribute? Or does it do it when going to the web page?  Or when you access your iDisk? Is contribute trying to ftp the files up to .mac when this happens?

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