« on: December 24, 2003, 10:11:22 PM »
The second 3.5" IDE drive will need to be jumpered so that it is a Slave drive. Usually they are marked on the top of the drive or on the circuit board to indicate what the jumper setting will do to the drive. Usually there is a jumper that may be not doing anything or jumpered as Master. Most of the time new drives are set to Master as the default setting. There are jumper settings for Cabel Select(CS), Slave and Master. Most IDE setups have two busses each bus has it's own cable. Each cable has two connectors on it. On any one cable you use either the Cable Select configuration on both drives that are connected to that particular cable or use the Master/Slave configuration by setting one drive to Master and the other drive to Slave. You can't mix one Cabel Select and one Master or Slave on the same cable. The initial drive installed is set to Master so the second drive should be set to Slave. I have tried using Cable Select on the same model G4 Mac you are describing and setting the jumpers to Cable Select was unreliable and caused weird problems. Switching back to a Master and Slave configuration fixed all of the weird problems. On G4s like you mention the drive bracket from the factory drive has holes in it just above the current drive for the second drive to be mounted. The IDE cable has a connector for then new drive. There is aslo a power connector for the drive. Get a new 3.5" IDE drive jumper it to Slave remove the factory drive bracket and all by disconnecting the power and data cables. Remove the one phillips screw holding the drive bracket (right in the center of the bracket) below the data connector. Now lif up a little and slid the driv toward to mother board. Once you get the drive bracket out mount the new drive just above the factory drive. The bracket will have to be flexed a bit to tighten the screws. Slide the drive bracket back in, replace the screw for the bracket and connect the IDE connecctors and the power connectors. Last but not least you will need to run the disk utility to partition and format your new drive.