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Messages - davigibs

Pages: [1]
2003 / Digital Camera software.
« on: December 14, 2003, 07:34:37 PM »
Quicktime Picture Viewer or Graphic Converter?????

2003 / Football scores
« on: September 07, 2003, 07:44:00 PM »
No kidding! The score probably would have been closer if the Bears had missed their flight to S.F.

2003 / The Fastest ISPs...
« on: August 06, 2003, 04:47:27 PM »
The only broad band I know about in Iowa is the one on Uncle Lloyd's straw hat that he wears when he's walkin' the beans. sweatingbullets.gif

2003 / what do you see?
« on: July 31, 2003, 08:45:15 AM »
I got a broken Quicktime icon using Safari 1.0 Beta 2 (v74). Imagine that!
Opened fine with IE 5.2.1.

2003 / Virus -WM97/ColdApe-A
« on: July 04, 2003, 10:31:42 AM »
Update-- It seems as though my daughter-in-law had received an e-mail attachment from a PC user with a format that she really liked and had saved it to her hard drive. She used that same format to create new documents to send as e-mail attachments. That could be the source of her problems. Another puzzling aspect is that when trying to enable the Word Macro virus protection found in the Word preferences, it won't stick. Any ideas out there?
Norton's AntiVirus 8 is scheduled for an install as soon as it arrives. Thanks to all for your help so far.

2003 / Virus -WM97/ColdApe-A
« on: July 02, 2003, 07:43:35 PM »
Chris - Thanks for the spoofing angle. I'll have to check out the header details and see what info they provide.
Paddy - Thanks for the Microsoft page about Word macro virii. Lots of good stuff in there that may help solve the problem.
I'll report back later after I have a chance to talk to my daughter-in-law (45 miles away) and post the results of what I find out.

2003 / Virus -WM97/ColdApe-A
« on: July 02, 2003, 08:41:21 AM »
My daughter-in-law recently created a Microsoft Word 98 document on an iMac 300 Mhz OS 9.x  and sent it as an attachment to several Windows using people. She received in return from one or two of the recipients a message that the document had the WM97/ColdApe-A virus and would not be delivered. This has unnerved her tremendously and provided me with several head-scratching moments trying to figure out what this all means. She has no virus protection software on her iMac. (I know - Bad girl; bad girl) Questions:
(1.) I thought it was not possible for a Mac to be infected with a Windows virus. Is this correct? I know that a Mac can spread a virus to others by passing on infected e-mail attachments, but that isn't the case here. She created the document on a Mac. (and I don't think she knows how to create a macro)
(2.) Could there possibly be something wrong with her Word 98 program that is sending a false virus message to Windows machines? If so, trashing and reinstalling would cure what ails it, right?
(3.) Could the receiving machines be giving false virus messages?
(4.) Norton's AntiVirus seems to be about the only game in town for Mac virus protection. Any other suggestions before she buys that program?

2003 / Does TS make you feel Dumb?
« on: May 20, 2003, 02:44:04 PM »
Does TS make you feel Dumb?
On the contrary, I feel better informed about a lot of things after visiting this forum. I learn things that I didn't know I was even curious about.
To Tacit and all the other knowlegeable posters: I'm not intimidated, but rather impressed, that you can teach an old fuddy like me new and interesting things. Thank you all for your input.

2003 / "Broken Image"
« on: May 11, 2003, 08:07:57 AM »
Me, too. huh.gif

2003 / You may have heard about Mike Tyson Virus....
« on: April 25, 2003, 08:15:00 PM »
What was the slogan for Fisk tires?

Time to Re-Tire

2003 / OT: Daisy Red Ryder bb gun info needed
« on: April 25, 2003, 08:33:00 PM »
Careful, you'll shoot your eye out. Got any raspberry flavored frozen poles?

Pages: [1]