Hi everyone... I hope this finds you all well and happy...
I wanted to drop in and thank Kris for putting up the URL to my CafePress Shop, I really appreciate that... and to draw your attention to an item I debated on adding or not as it is only available for shipment to the US. Well most of my customers have been from the US so I thought... "wot's the problem?" Duh!
I've added the itty bitty Flip Mino and Flip MinoHD Camcorders you can get now, they're quite new to CafePress... these are mine:
http://www.cafepress.com/d_21k_57/6248314http://www.cafepress.com/d_21k_57/6168704The prices show in CAD $ to me because you can choose now from a few currencies... which I think they did as well to offer more options for shipping etc.
No "chapter 11" for me quite yet, so long as I make a few sales a month to cover the rent!
Season's Greetings!