A belated thank you for the good birthday wishes. It took me a while to reply as i was in Malta for my birthday. A very enjoyable trip with some very sunny days.
macfixit some info on this link re dying batterries. It seems as if it is another Apple glitch, but some tips you may want to try first. Good luck, if all else fails, a trip to the Apple Store would be well justified
Has anyone any knowledge about itouch. My son has had one for the past 2 years and it failed to switch on this morning. It will not activate when the earphones are plugged in. It is not a white screen failure. The only noise that emanates, is a beep when the charger is plugged in. The question is, bin it or repair it?
hello dad! hope you are both feeling better, that will teach you to take a large cork with you on future travels. The George's Syria/Jordan connection has got me to thinking, where is the most remote/unusual wifi access people have used.