MacOS 7.5.5 is one of the great Mac operating systems. Made my living on it for about five years, right up to December 31, 1999 when Apple - and our developers - discontinued support. Went directly to MacOS 8.6, bypassing 8.0, 8.1, 8.5 and 8.5.1. Plan to do the same with MacOS XI!
7.5.5 wasn't broke and we didn't have any wish to fix it.
There are, however, a few idiosyncracies of which you might wish to be aware:
(1) The Finder heap memory as shipped with 7.5.5 is insufficient. You can do the ResEdit hack, but if you are uncomfortable with ResEdit, just run
Finder Heap Fix 1.0.1, and you should be fine.
(I believe that this was fixed in the shipped version of 7.6.1).
(2) Individual applications - including those in the OS 7.5.5 control panels and extensions folders - in addition to third party applications - should have their memory allocation increased by 23 kb using the the "Get info" command.
(3) Open Transport 1.1.1 should be upgraded to
Open Transport 1.1.2 - this contained both speed and bug fixes.
(4) You probably won't be needing to go into this kind of detail, but the best book out there on Mac OS 7.5 of which I am aware is David Pogue's Macintosh 7.5 for Dummies. This was written prior to 7.5.5, however, so it does not include the above information. Still, it is an excellent foundation for OS 7.5.
(5) Both ClarisWorks 2 and ClarisWorks 3 should run fine on that set-up.
(6) If you are going to do any web surfing, running text-only is going to speed you up mightily. might just work for you. Don't forget to pick up a free copy of
Disinfectant 3.7.1 anti-virus software, at a minimum - it has not been updated since 1997, but it may be better than nothing.
(7) If you find your LC III sluggish, you should be able to increase its speed by as much as 2-10X by running it as a bootable RAM Disk. You should use a battery back-up for that, however.
Have fun,
[ 02-11-2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Epaminondas ]