I have 2 HD's and both are split into 2 nice partitions - thus I have 4 drive icons on my desktop. Yesterday I needed a change, so I CONTROL-CLICKed, got info on the partition. Did same to selected icon. Then I clicked on the icon in the info box, COPIED, and clicked on icon on HD info box, PASTED - and bingo, new icon.
Worked well on 3 of 4 partitions. However, my classic partition (don't know why I still have it, but I do and I don't know how to dump it without reformatting) .. anyhoo, my classic partition won't allow me to paste a new icon. Looking down the info box, I notice that under OWNERSHIP AND PERMISSIONS everything is grayed out.
I don't know why. I'm in admin mode (it's the only way I've ever run this computer - and yes, I probably should change that - but I'm clueless how to get certain things to work if I do - and that's another issue).
Back to my icon/classic partition: How come I don't have permission to change this? I must have had way back before storage, as I changed the icon on a regular basis back then. How do I change the permissions so that I can change this icon?
I'm tired of looking at the piece of toast with jam.