I think that you are making this harder than it has to be. So what if Airport uses different numbers when it assigns IP addresses? Your Macs will not know the difference nor will they care... It works the same as LANs that use 198.xxx.xxx addresses.
I won't argue with that, I guess I was just surprised that it would even be necessary, I always thought that the 192.168.y.z were always local machine/computer numbers. The networked printer has 169.254.y.z. The router is and the Cable Modem is I guess wireless routers all have the 10.xxx.xxx.xxx series. It's been so long since I ran without a router that I don't remember what any Mac's address would be. Would seem to me that it shouldn't matter to a router, anyway. Obviously, it can address the printer which is different than the Mac's. But if the Mac's addresses need to be 10.something, that's what I'll do. Of course, that implies that they can just as easily be
assigned any 10.something numbers that I want and still be recognized by the router. I am
NOT stubborn! I simply want things done
MY way!
Using the Network icon to connect is my preference over the "Go" menu and once it is set-up it is nearly as fast as using the aliases, without cluttering-up the desktop. We aren't trying to split the atom here and I would bet that even your computer-challenged wife could master it in under three minutes.
She's much smarter than I give her credit, she just likes to make me think she needs my help!
I know this is true because she
never asks me things I don't know! But I'm not about to let
her know that
I know!
I'm in the process of ordering the Airport ( with a $5 discount off retail! WOW! ) from SmallDog ( and turning around and contributing $10 to DWB that they will match ), but I came back to check on the switch brands/models mentioned earlier.
Thanks, again to all for the info and help!