I don't use Safari much, preferring Firefox, but one app in particular which I use a lot
— Reunion8, which I use on a genealogical project — insists on Safari. I have a lot of genealogical websites bookmarked on Firefox, so I'd like to see them in Safari too.
But Safari won't import from Firefox. The Safari 'Help' gives detailed instructionson what to do:
When automatic import does not occur
Automatic import from Internet Explorer, Mozilla, or Netscape Navigator will not occur if you have moved the bookmarks file from its default location, or if you have placed an alias in the path to the bookmarks.
The default Netscape or Mozilla bookmarks file is:
The default Internet Explorer bookmarks file is:
To force Safari to import your bookmarks, simulate using Safari for the first time. Following these steps causes Safari to reimport bookmarks for both Internet Explorer and Mozilla/Netscape Navigator. If you have already successfully imported bookmarks from one browser but not the other, you only need to use the step below (4 or 6) that corresponds to the browser from which bookmarks have not yet been imported.
Follow these steps:
Quit Safari if it is open.
Drag the target bookmark files back to their original location.
Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/).
Type: defaults delete com.apple.Safari NetscapeAndMozillaFavoritesWereImported
Press Return.
Type: defaults delete com.apple.Safari IEFavoritesWereImported
Press Return.
Quit Terminal.
Open Safari.
Imported bookmarks go into a collection named "Imported Netscape/MozillaFavorites" or "Imported IE Favorites". If such a collection already exists, they are merged into the contents of the existing collection.
Well, I've done all that, but still no Firefox bookmarks and they don't appear in the 'Imported' collection. Any ideas??