Thanks folks, I just recently noticed
this and I was in the market for another recorder. I have a
Naturally Speaking Mobile Recorder now, but it doesn't work on the Mac side in MacSpeak (iListen) and the requirements for recorders is very high and requires
Olympus only recorders that quite frankly seem to be extreme. So, I've been using Dragon on in MS XP instead of iListen for remote recordings just to avoid the lack of options.
If iPod can meet the standard I need for iListen then it will have a recorder with multiple purposes that would suit me just fine!
I know nothing about them, I used a friends once a few years back, and listen to one at the Apple Store about a year ago.
I have about 13 gigs of music in iTunes, a few tutorials in movie form, some seminars from classes I've taken that may all amount to a gig, but not much.