I have been persuaded by experience with my InteliMac to reformat and “reorganize”my Aluminum PowerBook from 4 drive partitions to 3, eliminating my “faithful” partition reserved for documents. I know, I know, ‘tis Richard come lately. The new partitions are for. . .
1) OSX and
2) a Spare install of same for on-the-road emergencies and
3) Archived files, candidates for stashing elsewhere when appropriate.
The reformatting of the disk, the movement of a ton of document files, and reinstall of my 30+ third-party apps all appear to have gone w/o serious incident. However one strange development has been visited upon this happy scene.
In any restart, the “spare” 10.4.8. “chooses itself” as the boot drive, rather like the dominant hummingbird at our feeders exercises his/her power-at-the-pumps. The “regular” 10.4.8 install, which actually has my functioning home folder, lays back, or whatever.
I just know there’s a “fix” for this, though I can’t seem to find it in any System Pref I’ve found.
This sort of harkens back to ancient "blessing" of System Folders!
Advice, please.