Background: in Feb., the HD on my G4 PB died. Still covered by extended AppleCare, took it to the AppleStore, it was delivered back to me in about a week sporting a new HD and a fresh install of Tiger. I had stored a manual backup on my external USB HD, but didn't wanna restore from it, b/c I don't have Tiger discs.
In Panther, the stickies are stored in a file called StickiesDatabase [I don't recall its location - I planned to search for that file and replace it w/ the same-named file from my MDD.
Here's the prob: can't find it on Tiger! I found the Stickies app, but not that file. So I can't access all sorts of important data [SW reg #s, etc.] needed as I rebuild the PB.
Any ideas, tips, info that might lead me to a solution?