So come November 17, you'll be ready for the Florida cookout?
Maybe this year we can get a few more of the Florida contingent of TS?
He will be there if I can convince the court to take him instead of me!!
I live but to serve and obey. Alas, after being a witness in a murder case (found guilty) and testifying before a federal grand jury (no indictment delivered), it seems that once my history has surfaced, I am always excused.
Or, perhaps it has something to do with my TS associates...
Harv, boy could we swap stories. We were also witnesses, and put on hold for two years in continuance after continuance, changing schedules time and time again until a deal was struck and the death penalty was off the table. It doesn’t seem to effect my Jury standing though, county, state and federal courts are on my trail consistently.
I want to be helpful but the system is such a joke, the jails are full and the criminals go in one door and out the other and it’s only getting worse.
One good thing about this Call-up is it’s not federal like the last one, but local, county, so I won’t need to spend 2 hours commuting in rush hour traffic.
I have been "unselected" upon 3 occasions now! I still had to go and sit in a stuffy room and wait for something to happen; luckily they let you read!
I've never been unselected, if not first string, I'm on standby alternate. I have deliberately disqualified myself in the first round of questioning but that's another matter.
Will they let you keep your cell phone on you?
Well gregg the last go-around they let me keep the phone OFF in the Federal building, I don’t know how they’ll threat a cellphone at county court. Probably the same. To only be used when off the premises or in a neutral zone.