iMac G5 rev.A, OS 10.4.11
I DiskWarriored my Internal Drive which resulted in a 0% error Directory.
Using SuperDuper I cloned my Internal Drive via Firewire to my External Disk Backup volume.
When I made a Graph with DiskWarrior of my Backup volume, it showed its Directory to have 14% errors.
Why is that? I guess SuperDuper does not make an exact clone. Or Directory composition/organization
and Data copying have nothing to do with each other.
It does not show the directory on the destination to have 14% errors; it shows the directory to be 14% out of order, where "order" is what Alsoft believes is the optimal possible arrangement of files in the directory (system files in the beginning, other files near the end).
SuperDuper copies files from one place to the other, then adds them to the directory on the target. It adds them to the directory in the order they are copied, that's all.