It now appears that the 'trick' to using PSE6 is a simple permissions change. I'll try to get details tomorrow. Everything in the program works for a normal user except there is no access to a few certain things like 'layer styles.' But the permissions change is said to alleviate the need to run as an Admin.
OK, here's the simple fix to enable all capabilities when running PSE6 in a Standard user account:
BTW, I claim no honor in discovering this fix. I'm just reporting the outcome of a poster
at a user forum at Adobe.
1. Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Photoshop Elements/6.0/Locale/en_US.
2. Perform a "Get Info" (command/apple-I with "en_US" selected) on that folder.
3. Click on the lock icon at the bottom of the Get Info window (click the "Sharing & Permissions:" arrow, if that icon is not visible).
4. Click the "+" icon to add any 'Standard' users to the list at the bottom of the window.
5. Select one of the new users and click on the "Read Only" label next to that name.
6. Change to "Read & Write".
7. Do the same for any other new standard users you want to add or have added and return to step 5.
One more file needs changing, it's "MediaDatabase.db3" and it's inside the "en_US" folder.
1. Select the "MediaDatabase.db3" and perform a "Get Info" on that file.
2. Follow steps 4 through 7 above.
That's it. Any Standard user that you added above can use all the capabilities built into PSE6.
I can only hope this was something that fell through the cracks when the developers were finishing up this new version. They may not have even checked how things worked in a "Standard" account, as they all probably operated with Admin privileges, anyway!