I have an upgraded PDQ with 466 processor, 512 RAM and 20G drive. It has Panther, OS 9 and even an old 8.6 install. I haven't tried putting Tiger on it but if I had a CD set I would give it a whirl. The only way I got Panther on it was to clone an install from a SCSI drive. I may try cloning via FW someday, when I have nothing else to do.
And yes, you do need to use XPF to go to the X install, not the usual startup disk panel.
That Wallstreet has the best keyboard I've ever used. Soooo comfortable. Only thing that keeps it from being really usable is the low VRAM compared to what is necessary for a lot of today's video.
BTW, if you put 512 RAM in your machine, note that shouldn't run permissions without removing one of the chips. For some reason it will really screw things up if you leave in the full memory.
I also have Panther on my upgraded 9600 (G4/700, 1.5G RAM, 20G drive) thanks to XPF. But that is as far as I've bothered with that machine as well. My upgraded DA runs much faster and likes Leopard.
Could you give me a link to where you got the Zip driver for X? I also have one of those zip drives for my Wallstreet.