I've seen that or something similar once or twice with the kid's computers - it wasn't consistent though and went away after a restart. If you start seeing consistent problems, it could be a video card issue. If it recurs, test the monitor on another Mac to eliminate the monitor as the issue, and then, if you have another monitor, try that on the Mac, just to narrow things down. If it's the Mac Pro, I'd suggest you take the video card out, give it a good dusting (canned air, mini vacuum) and then put it back in, making sure it's seated properly. Probably won't change anything, but worth a try.
(BTW - which list of Macs is current or do you have them all still - you've got two listed in your sig and another 2 listed in your "My Macs" - might want to consolidate that under "My Macs" to avoid confusion.)