Took my Grand daughters AC charger/adaptor to the Apple Store this morning. It only lasted about five months, being a replacement for the original, which lasted only ~11 months.
First, the Genius started by telling me that there was no AppleCare on the MBP! I'm in the process of working that out with "Penny." as I type. I bought AC for this MBP last November but I failed to print the web page showing the confirmation info. I have forwarded the email invoices from L. A. Computer as requested by "Penny." Then she replied that that was not acceptable (emails can be edited). Not sure why she decided that
after I had explained that was all I had as far as 'proof' goes.
But, when I was putting stuff back in the AC box, I discovered that I had also placed the printed invoice in there, as well. Hidden in plain site, so to speak. Well, "out-of-site" while in the box...
Anyway, I FAXed that to her as well. We'll see. I did find numerous web history pages between the purchase date and the weeks after that. Of course, those pages/url's get redirected since they aren't actually archived pages...
So, thanks to ole grand dad, I may have a perfectly valid AC for sale...
Back to the Genius Bar encounter...
It seems Apple won't cover the replacement, this time, even if the AC was in effect! "It's a physical problem. See how the plug spins?" Well, yes I do, but that's not my (or my grand daughters) fault. The thing has broken wires! Do you see any abrasion on the cable? Of course, not. It's a design flaw. Furthermore,
1. Why was the cost covered previously?
2. Why was the previous design changed?
3. How is this wire breakage different?
Not until I returned home did I try the "spin" test myself. Guess what, there ain't no "spin!" If one holds the cable and the strain relief, they are one unit, you can't 'spin' them separately. If one holds the strain relief and the plug, they, also, are one unit, you cannot spin them separately. If one holds the cable and the plug, there is
some 'spin,' more when the cable is held further from the plug, less when the cable is held closer to the plug.
I plan on returning to the Store this afternoon to seek further explanation on the "spin" and demo the same thing on any cable they have in the building.
A quick search on the web reveals these cables are barely worth a years duty. The mag-safe design is great for saving the laptop from being pulled to the floor, but that service is usually at the expense of the cable...