Raven. I assumed you were talking about the Single Processor.
OS X likes Dual Processors and will do more things at once with them.
How new is that Dual 1.25?
It's either brand new or the Revision before the Firewire 800s.
Not sure which. You could ask them. Not that old in any case.
The Combo is a built in Combination CD Burner DVD Player.
It won't Burn DVDs, that's the SuperDrive. Combo is fine for you I think.
Boot into OS 9 is not the same as Classic.
You can Boot from either and do what you want.
Other machines run OS 9.x in Classic Mode but don't Boot OS 9.x.
Being able to Boot OS 9. x assures you can run all your old Software.
Running it in Classic, maybe, maybe not.
Will the price go down? Maybe. Probably.
Will they sell out and be harder to find. Maybe.
Will you win the Lottery? Maybe.
I'd say get it and get it over with. If it's still available.
You aren't the only one looking for a newer computer.
I just looked again. That machine is listed as b/o. Back Ordered.