While browsing thru my system, I found some files that I thought were trashed but were still around. These files had the directory:
OS X> .DataRecycler Folder> .DataRecyclear Cache> Trash > mamamoose (my user name)> File_unwanted
When clicking on File_unwanted, I find myself inside my mail client, Eudora and specifically in Spamnix, a spam filter that operates inside Eudora. It appears that files like File_unwanted have no content but rather only the title exists. I want to delete files like File-unwanted but I do not know if that will kill my system. Perhaps this is the method that Spamnix stores URLs that I have previously declared as spam.
Are .DataRecycler Folder as well as .DatarecyclerCache invisible? Can I delete files like File_unwanted without harming the system?
'Tis a puzzlement! Any thoughts?