I have had money, a nice home and new car. I lost
everything. That is how I learned. That is why I don't
begrudge anyone else having things.
I also learned that losing "stuff" isn't important. As long
I still had my life my faith in God and my family there was hope.
Today I live in an apartment and drive a 1987 Toyota.
So, being as old as I am and as sick as I am, I can still
dream of winning the lottery. LOL
What I do have is my children and grandchildren who
love me, even though I can't afford to give them a lot
of "stuff" or take them on expensive vacations.
I try to give them the best of me.
What I do have is a great church with a social and moral
conscience. My church "family" is a refuge in times of
trouble and happy for me in the good times.
Last, but not least, I have the loving care of a great
husband. He has nurtured and sustained me through
my bout with Cancer. When my eyesight went out of
focus (during Chemotherapy), he made arrangements with his place of work to be drive me to all my appoint-
No, we are not rich by societal standards; but we are
Best of all, I have all these people all over this country
and Europe,
praying for me (those that can) and sending their good
thoughts and wishes my way.
Now that is awesome to me! That makes me really
I am still trying to learn new things about my Mac and
how to use all the functions. I have noticed that my
brain is still not functioning at top speed. Chemotherapy
has really been hard on me in so many respects. Still
I have most of my abilities, albeit a little more slow.
I am really grateful for divine providence that lead me to
the TS Board. This past week marked my second month
of membership. So, it's an anniversary!
Have a great evening.