I refreshed each one, and each one maintained the same ad. It took me by surprise!
I wouldn’t have guessed that a browser would be used to target a certain retail demographic, but maybe that’s what it’s coming to?
Diana, I tried Modzilla 1.3.1 last night and it worked in one bank but not another, looking for a certificate. It also tweaked my web page, expanding the page way past the limits set in IE, even more so than Netscape. iCap did a bit better in the web page department.
Each browser presents the TS site differently, oddly in some cases. When I get some time I'll post photos on how some distort the banner. In one case the banner table raps around the text/links below it, in Modzilla the page scrolls horizontally and does not fit the screen. I wrote Jane’s web site front page so it fits a 800x600 rev screen without any scroll bars, it works here on 2- 17 inchers, and a 15 inch monitor, but if I use another browser the limits change, the Browser frames are thicker, and start lower on the monitor even with the favorites bar reduced. Modzilla actually moves a line and link distorting the layout beyond reason. The text size doubles, pushing everything to the right and down, where on IE, both Mac and PC it displays front and center.
To compromise I would need to reduce the size of everything including text which would be displayed as 9 point on IE and a definite strain on the old iBalls.