Sounds like a great idea, especially with the size of current drives. Also sounds like a 'fix' for the sometimes daunting problem of making Boot CD's (especially in X). MicroMat has done a great job of making CD's that will boot on any machine, but it must be getting to be a real pain in the neck for them.
As for making the 'volume' invisible, isn't that a simple matter of setting a bit in the files resource data, and I would think this is really just a file, not really an invisible partition. And X may even make creating this kind of thing even easier. Looks to me that there is an extension or whatever X uses that looks for the 'e' key on startup. If it sees it, it just send the startup routines to the 'invisible' boot blocks on the 'invisible partitian.' (Of course, I have absolutely know knowledge about what I am rambling on about! Just 'sposing! )
Jim C.