AW is probably the least appreciated jewel in the Apple crown. It's a powerful suite with a small footprint on the hard drive - comes bundled free on some models or at a really small price if you have to buy it. That alone probably makes some view it as "mickey mouse." Many people write it off without even seriously trying it!
I have a friend (long distance, unfortunately) who has found ways to make AW do amazing things - stretching text, text along an arc, sidebars etc, etc. I wish he'd write a book on how he accomplishes the many things he does, but he doesn't have the time to do it.
If Apple charged MS prices for AW it would probably get more respect.
I authored a technical manual, selling successfully internationally (occupational health & safety program) - all done in AW (including the cover design.) When I went to printhouses for estimates, they all thought it had been done in a pro-program like Quark at first glance - they were amazed it had been done in AW.
Since I was going for photo offset reproduction I didn't need Quark or its large cost. (Two years of 10 to 12 hour days in creation, with no income in that period makes you cost concious.)
AW is a treasure.