Just installed an 8 gig IBM drive in my Wallstreet. Also bumped up the RAM this morning to 320 MB. I'm assuming the HD came with wiped clean because upon startup I get the question mark. When I insert the Jag CD, the happy Mac appears and the colored wheel arrives and spins and spins, but that's it. After a few minutes the screen goes dark, but the HD is still spinning away. Is there a button combo I'm forgetting to push to make it boot from the CD?
OK, disregard the whole first paragraph. In my typical haste, my Jag CD was misplaced and I was trying to boot with a 10.1 update CD. Jag was starting to install, but it can't find a destination disk. Can I use an OS 9 CD and run Disk Tools to format the drive?
[ 03-10-2003, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: sluggo ]