Ive been getting up at 9 a.m. for a few days now, expecting the knock at the door that would signal my Powerlogix 800 63 processor had arrived. I got tired of this so i emailed OWC and found "in and shipping tomorow" had changed to "back ordered and arriving in two weeks."
Meanwhile, my new Lacie HD is very buggy. spent a long time on phone (to Washington state) and we updated the firmware but it still needs a few on/offs to recognize itself.
Among the messages are "no drive found," "disc does not have enough sectors." Toggling it off and on clears this up but the problem sometime continues from one use to the next. Lacie guy eventually said i should return it to Macwarehouse (i think that's who i bought it from!).
Also, my photocard reader now does not read. I have to pull the usb cable in and out for it to show up.
These two problems seem vaguely connected, other than that they are both happening to me.
(BW G3 jag).