I use IE 5.1.6 as my browser in OS 9.2.2and have considerable difficulty lately. Several times a session, the system would freeze (the mose still worked) and I had to reboot. After rebooting, IE's Download Cache and IE Cache .lck which are called Web Archive Fileswould appear as rescued items in trash.
I then got to using macWasher to clean out the cache. I noticed that the first thing it did was to delete the IE Download Cache which contained 10 MB of info!. So, using Sherlock, I went searching for these two bad boys and found all thge cache files but one contained 4 KB. There was one, IE Cache.waf, that contained 10 MB. Also, I would clean the caches, reboot and immediately info IE cache.WAF and sure enough it contained 10 MB of data.. Curioser and curioser.
I then used CanOpener 4 to read IE Cache.waf and much to my surprise, the cache contained all my e-mail including URL's, text, attachments etc. My e-mail client is Eudora so how the heck did IE readand store my e-mail content?
I am convinced that IE cache.waf is the culprit but I do not know how to get rid of it.Also, I am deeply suspicious of Microsoft who I suspect is collecting and then downloading my e-mail to their own site!!!!
I would like some comments as to 1) how do I get rid of IE Cache.waf that fills to 10 MB as soon as I open IE 5.1.6, 2) Is Microsoft using that filr to transmit my e-mail to their own sites, 3) Am I going to have to switch to a new browser (Oy!)?
A paranoic MamaMoose