T stands for:Tableau, Tackle, Tact, Tactics, Tactile, Take-off, Talent, Talisman, Talk, Tall, Tame (mostly),
Tamper (sometimes), Tangible, Tank (of knowledge), Taste, Tattle (to inform), Taunt (never),
Tawdry (never), Teaching, Team, Teamwork, Tease (sometimes, mostly Bernie), Technical,
Teeming, Telling, Tempered (good), Temperate, Tempestuous (never), Tenacious, Tensile,
Terrestrial, Terrific, Testimonial, Testy (never), Thankfull, Theoretical (rarely), Thorough,
Thoughtful, Threadful, Thrive, Throb, Thrust, Tickle (with OT's), Tidings, Timeless, Timely,
Tireless, Titillating, Together, Toil, Tolerable, Tonic (with Gin sometimes), Tool, Topflight,
Topics (of course), Total, Tractable, Tradition, Transcend, Transluscent, Treasure, Treat,
Treatise, Tremendous, Trenchant (never), Trendy, Tributary, Trough (of information), Trust,
Truth, Tutoring, Typical.
S stands for:Sacred, Sacrosanct, Safari(?), Safeguard, Saga (sometimes), Sagacious, Sage, Saint (at times),
Salient, Sallow (never), Salutary, Salvation, Sanctimonious (never), Sanctuary, Sane, Sapid,
Sarcastic (never), Sasiating, Satirical (in some OT's), Satisfaction, Saturnalia, Savior, Savory,
Scrimp (never), Sript (Apple), Scriptural, Scrupulous, Scrutiny, Scurrilous (never), Scuttle (never),
Seal, Search, Second-to-none, Secrete (never), Security, Sedulous, Seek, Seer, Segregate (never),
Select, Self-conscious, Self-control, Self-effacing (sometimes), Seminal, Sensational, Sensible,
Sensitive, Sententious (never), Sentient (always), Sentimental (sometimes), Sentinel (kelly),
Serene, Serious, Serving, Service, Settle, Shape, Share, Sheen, Shelter, Shimmer, Shine,
Shipshape, Shirk (never), Shoal, Shoddy (never), Shortcoming (none), Showy (sometimes),
Shrewd, Shun (never), Sidle (never), Signalize, Significant, Simpleness, Sincere, Singular,
Skipper, Slake, Slick, Sloppy (never), Smile, Smooth, Soar, Social, Solace, Solid, Solution,
Sophisticate, Source, Space-age, Spawn, Spectrum, Spirited, Splendid, Spoken, Spontaneous,
Sprightly, Spry, Spunky (sometimes), Stamina, Stanch, Staple, Stately, Statuesque, Steadfast,
Steering,Stellar, Sterling, Stimulating, Stirring, Store (of info 0), Straight, Strenght, Striking,
Studious, Stunning, Stupendous, Sturdy, Substance, Success, Summit, Superb, Superior, Supple,
Support, Supreme, Surpass, Sweeping, Sweet, Systematic.
I am sure others can come up with more words that tipify TS.