Well, if I remember correctly. I got Sound Studio - my version was free (can't remember where I got it from but I can send it to you if you want a copy).
Rigged up iMic with output leads from amplifier to iMic microphone, then other USB lead into computer.
Went into Sound Studio and changed input window to read from iMic (highlight the iMic in menu).
Had a test run for sound levels - trying not to let it go above red line too much.
Happy with test, put everything back to beginning. Press record on Sound Studio, put needle down on record and wallop, it records the lp!
When record stops, press stop on Sound Studio. Wait for it to load up all it recorded. Save iT!!! I usually save it to desktop and then I know where the file is.
Then take out the beginning silence when you were fiddling about putting the needle in the right place (you put a marker where you want it to start, double click on the stuff you want out, it turns black and hit delete). Take out the end when you forgot about it and were answering the phone (same method). SAVE.
Then when you are happy with everything, drag and drop to iTunes. It will save as an AIFF file. You can compress it but you lose something if you do that, IMHO!
GOod luck. If I can help, email me and I will do my best. I have not done this for a while, so there may be bits I missed.