I found out about this last week because an old friend of mine is using this service, and when I sent him a msg for the first time in a long time, I got a msg in reply to which I had to respond by clicking on a link to 'verify' that I was a real person and not some SPAM-bot:
http://spamarrest.com/They offer a thirty-day free trial, and then:
"Spam Arrest has three options. $19.95 for 6 months, $34.95 for 1 year, or $54.95 for 2 years."
Seems kinda pricey to me, but I betcha they did their due diligence and conducted focus groups and surveys and whatnot, and this is what those people said they'd be willing to pay for this kinda thing.
IMO, I seriously doubt that they're gonna find a lot of takers at those prices. But maybe I'm not in their target market...?
- kbeartx