Our neighbours lent their house to a family for a week, so they are here. Boy about 12 mows lawn and is having a good time, girl about 14 is on her 'pink' cell phone and looks really angry. So about 2 hours later the whole family is out looking for her down at the beach.
This goes on for about another hour, 'Shes had a fight with her Mom, and took off.'
We all know the trail thru the swamp which goes to the beach, and story goes on and on.
The kid is home and OK, and the parents are happy. So they thank me for helping look, and I say, 'Youve got 3 ways to keep your sanity this summer, in order they are GPS phone, Micro Chip the kid, or a Radio Collar'. Since everybody was happy and glad the kid was home and not mad at Mom any more, they all cracked up at my lame joke.