The fact that the print heads are just sitting there instead of printing (on or off the envelope) is fishy. Have you tried printing the envelope layout on a plain piece of paper? Does the printer do anything then?
Yes tried on plain paper with envelope information.
No nothing prints.
Do you have Envelope Wizard? >Menu>file>project gallery>letters&envelopes>envelope wizard
Do you use a Envelope Template ? >Menu>file>project gallery>business forms> envelopes
Yes to both
And I have tried to print the template.
Thanks to both of you, as well as all previous suggestions.
I'm just gonna address her letters by hand for her, or make address labels for everyone in the phonebook, and tell her not to write to anyone out of town.
When we first switched from Appleworks to Word I couldn't recreate the same envelope nor get a new one to layout exactly as Jane wanted it so ....I heard in the background .. .....if I wrote them by hand I would have been back from the mailbox by now.
Of course now it's old hat but the first week was pretty frustrating.