My circumstances may be unique.
- I have profoundly deficient hearing and have worn hearing aids for the last 27 years.
- I have been the beneficiary of remarkable electronics R&D, especially in the past 10 years (i.e. digital hearing aids)
- I recently was fitted with Oticon's latest and greatest model, the Epoq, which provides digital, stereo insrtruments w/Bluetooth streamer
- Which, not at all incidentally, harmonize spendidly w/iPhone's various "features" making my use of the cell phone absolutely faultless
Which brings me/us to the iPhone/iTunes upgrade/updates of this past weekend.
They proceeded without incident, except that in the iPhone's display – during connection with an outgoing call – a "new" pairing of devices appeared to have occurred spontaneoulsy. The result, rather than being a citing of my Streamer on the phone's diaplay, was (to me) a nonsense alpha-numeric string that required my repairing of my Streamer with the iPhone, for proper operation.
My personal circumstances may be really unique among this company, but I thought if any hearing impaired person (w/an iPhone) reading this was encountering difficulty with a previously properly functioning iPhone + streamer, re-check your pairing of both devices. I don't know why, I only know I had to do so to get back to 5-by-5.