Tiger install CDs/DVD have always been available from Apple. However, since Leopard was released, it’s harder to find on Apple’s site. It’s listed at
http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebO...p;nplm=MA453Z/AApple’s current price is still $129 with free shipping for the DVD version, however, there is a note that it ships in 3-4 weeks. The CD version, which used to cost an addition $20 is no longer available from Apple.
However, the price at web stores has greatly escalated. I speculate that the reason for this increase is that many Mac users bought iPods, iPhones and iTouch that require Tiger 10.4 and they needed to upgrade their OS and Tiger is in limited supply.
Last fall at about the time Leopard was being released, I looked at several web stores and noted the price for Tiger on CDs. The price has now increased. For example:
At All Mac, the price for Tiger on CDs
Was $109.95 Now $179.95
(Retail Tiger install on DVD $149.95)
At Fast Mac, the price for Tiger on CDs
Was $129.95 Now $179.95
At Hardcore Mac, the price for Tiger on CDs
Was $149.99, Now $249.95
(Retail Tiger install on DVD $199.99)
I checked the Tiger on DVD price on Amazon.com.
New $265 to $393 Used $204 to $245
I found two web stores that haven't (yet) raised their price.
Aztekcomputers $121
http://aztekcomputers.com/detail.php/part_.../APPLE/MA453Z/AMegaMacs $129
http://www.megamacs.com/item/Mac-OS-X-10.4...DVDs/view,31381Apple Rescue also used to have reasonable prices on all OSs, however, they are no longer in business.
Tiger installers are now a “hot” commodity, like oil and gold. Demand exceeds the supply, so the price goes up. I didn’t look on eBay, but I’m sure the price has also escalated.