Sneakers has an older (1997) cd that he bought at a museum exhibition (Splendors of Imperial China: Treasures from the National Palace Musuem, Taipei: CD-ROM - for the curious). He really enjoys this cd and has always been able to pop it into his G4, click the powerpc app, and run it. Now that he's bumped up to 10.4.x, it launches classic and doesn't play as nice. He's also wondering how he'll play this cd when the day comes that he has to upgrade to an iMac -- since it won't launch at all on my iMac.
The program was created with Macromedia Director 4.0.4, and so far I've not found any helpful info on Adobe's web site.
I tried the Metropolitan Museum of Art's web site to see if there is an updated CD, and there isn't.
Does anyone have any idea how to play this without classic and/or how to play it on an iMac?