Try accessing your site with your FTP program. You probably have it set to go to your "htdocs" folder. But you may be able to check with your ISP to find out what they normally use to hold your html files. Whatever the name of that directory is, back up the path one level however your FTP program does that. In other words, you want to be able to see the directory that holds your 'htdocs' and any other built-in directories you ISP provides.
What you want to see is a directory/folder called (usually) "logs". You may also see directories labeled "bin", "cgi-bin", "stats", etc. Open the "logs" directory and browse away. Depending on what your ISP provides, there could be several directores in there, maybe on for 'daily', 'monthly', 'errors', etc. They are all plain text files that you should be able to read with any simple text-editor.