Sounds a lot like sour grapes.
Many of his 'arguments' are untrue or misstated or no longer relevant. Many average people would be happier with the value of a 2003 dollar!
Some body or group is always going to be paid more than some one else. At least for a while. If some one or some company wasn't willing to pay them, their income would be lower. "Overpaid" is a relative term, IMHO.
Mayo, I suspect that most brides may have a different opinion about what to do with the money spent on their wedding.
Not that I don't agree with you, of course. Judy and I avoided that problem by not
having any money when we married!
Funny this 'writer' didn't seem to think a well published fiction writer might be overpaid!
Nor did he mention 'famous people' autobiographies! "Here's how I lived my life and made more money and had more fun than the average guy. And I did it without any real talent!"
Most of the professions he mentioned are ones where there is an unbalanced supply versus demand. Not enough specialists compared to General practitioners, multi-million dollar athletes versus the hundreds of wanna-be's who didn't make the cut (even to the minor leagues!), etc.
I was told for the last 40 years that one day there would be a pilot shortage. It never happened mainly because people were willing to fly in almost any aircraft for any pay while waiting for a chance to be hired by the big guys. Many thought it beneath them, however, to fly 'freight.' Little did they know where the 'majors' would be now. There are fewer pilots but there are much fewer aircraft for them to fly. There have not been any three-man aircraft even built in the last 15 years (at least). That automatically requires one third less pilots about now or in the near future. Then, a few years ago, the Feds decided to raise the mandatory retirement age by five years to 65. In a few scribbles on some paper, they automatically lengthened the time most junior guys will be able to become a Captain! And there are still more pilots available than are needed.
Many of these occupations place a very large burden of responsibility on a person! That is what should be used to base the salary/benefits for that job. I don't want the fifth best surgeon operating on me. I don't want an inexperienced pilot(s) up front. I wouldn't want an inexperienced CEO running a company I invest in.
Makes me remember telling my sons they should become an orthodontist! Of course, suggesting a career is probably the worst thing a parent can do!
Oh well, back to my other 'hot buttons!'