I have an indoor booster (actually two, but you can't use them both I found out). Also have a rotator which is handy but I don't want to have to rotate the antennae frequently cause the rotator controller is in another room from where I spend most of my time. No, I can't move it, too complicated to explain.
Anyway, if things don't improve when the final switch takes place I may consider an outside booster. However, reading through the reviews on that Radio Shack one makes one think that the older models worked but many of the recent posters complain that it died on them after short use. You may have gotten one that was better made. So many of today's products are just slapped together.
Well Kris, if I can find it and you want it, i'll be more than happy to send it to you, free of charge and shipping. We're in the long process of relocation... onward and upward, which means we're moving..and so we're scattered and spattered...but...I don't suspect i'll be using a booster before the
, and so, if you want it, and I find it ,I'll just send it your way.