How do our English-speaking cousins pronounce the word [I know it's actually an acronym*] "MIDI"?
'Why do you ask?', you reply.
I just watched a video introducing some new and amazing audio/ music production software in which this term is repeatedly pronounced more like 'meaty' with a soft 't'.
One mitigating factor is that the company is German, the narrator of the video is clearly a native English-speaker w/ a very professional and pleasant-sounding voice, but obviously no prior experience w/ the tech/jargon of the music/recording industry [he also says 'mono' with two long 'o' sounds, but not often so it's not as weird].
I checked the pronunciations at [which I've recently begun using instead of Merriam-Webster [] because it provides entries from several sources and also seems have no trouble finding uncommon words, as m-w sometimes does] and AFAIK, 'meedee' is reserved for the South of France, and MIDI shares its phonetic identity with that style of skirt that predated the mini.
- KB
* Musical Instrument Digital Interface