Situation: I now have 2 Intel machines and 1 PPC MiniMac has FW 400 PPC has FW400 MBP has FW800
2 external HD's One is USB only the Other is Firewire 400 and USB
The first issue is the MBP with Firewire 800 does not see the external HD with FW400 using the 800/400 adapter. (IDEAS
It does see it using USB.
At this point in time the order of importance is: MacMini #1----PPC #2-----MBP #3
I would have liked to create a 3 partition HD to back up all 3 using FW.
Given that the Intel machines have to have a partition map of GIUD one question is: Is it possible to partition one HD to accommodate both GUID and APM??? I am guessing the answer here is no.
Will the PPC machine work on a GUID partition??
Makes for lotsa interesting scenarios but it appears I will have to do some compromising. There is plenty of disc space available. The HD with the FW is the largest but it is beginning to look like it is the one I am going to have to use for the PPC and the USB HD for the 2 intel machines. Think???