I'm still on the prowl for a real solution to my episodic, but persistent, home airport-network "shortfall": viz. sometimes it works throughout the house, sometimes it dosen't.
Had a Genius Session yesterday @ the Burlingame Store, after I had previously embellished the network with a 2d Apple Express BS, to no apparent positive effect.
The MB-P Hardware Test was executed by the Genius.
AOK, sez he.
He then suggested that I use channel 9 (I think) or he may have said "8". Poor memory, sorry.
I came home and attempted to change whatever was there, but it seemed that Airport Utility was somewhat recalcitrant., so – honestly – I have forgotten the number of the channel with which I began. The only way I can really tell now whether it "worked" is to look back at the channel which the AEBS setings displayed, say, a month ago. It now shows "9". For the life of me I can't recall whether it said "8" when I started after returning home.
Soooo, I attempt to open Time Machine, but all it does is give me a display of the "About" data for Apple Airport Utility, but no opening of anything beyond that splash screen.
Question: How do you get Airport Utility for, say, the April 15 Time Machine "memory" to open the then existing settings AEBS "Summary" page . . . OR is that beyond TM's capabilities? Advice, please.
By the way, if you know a lot about the most desirable channels, which one should I be trying: 8 or 9. The Genius said one was a manual default and I should try the other. I guess I should be writing down EVERYTHING, these days.
Oh yes, I'm running 10.6.3