I shouldn't be too excited by this topic and I don't expect anyone else to have an opinion on the subject!
I have an older son who begins Washburn University Law School next month and while I'm very proud of him I'm going to spend some hours over the next few years in conversations about where personal responsibility begins and ends. This past weekend we had just such a conversation about legal aspects of rights and responsibility in
an "SOB" (
sexually oriented business (this is what the newspaper calls it) ) law that hasn't "yet" made it's way through the Kansas Legislature (there are some lawyers there that XABD could at least give a good booting to if "Capital Punishment" seems to be going too far).
The nature of the conversation will remain strictly
in camera!
I am also still simmering slightly over this evenings television triage of the number of children injured in fireworks related accidents (10 in Lawrence on the 4th of July, 2010) and I then heard from a fireworks seller who declared the safety of her fireworks if used under adult supervision. The accident of the night seemed to involve some sort of small explosives that work by dropping them or throwing them on the ground. A girl was injured while trying to place these little explosives around in a bowl and I will not be surprised if a lawsuit is sought by the parents. I would except the validity if the parents used the proceeds to fix the child medically; and maybe the remainder could be placed into an education fund or something of that sort.
The child had no responsibility (this is the definition of childhood) and while the parents are to blame (as much as I feel for them) there is something to be said for a lawsuit in this case. If a child dies in similar circumstances I would be very unhappy to serve on the jury!
Later: Done simmering and have eaten
ice cream; go Ichabods!