Up to now Linux users "saw" either the Gnome interface or the KDE interface when they logged onto a Linux box. The real text box interface isn't very useful to most desktop computer users. Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, probably worldwide one of the larger Linux distributions, has decided to go for broke and latch onto the multitouch Unity interface to place it in the ballpark of MAC OS X! I hope this isn't admitting defeat; but rather bowing to the inevitable!
According to a blueprint proposed earlier this month and approved by Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth for discussion at this week's Ubuntu Developer Summit, the new, highly simplified desktop interface will feature a floating Unity Dash that can be moved to all edges of the screen; floating, overlapping windows with their title bars and controls on them rather than on the top panel; and a home screen that's consolidated into a simple pop-down menu extending down from the top left of the screen.
It will, in other words, "basically turn Unity into a UI that can match and exceed the OS X user interface in regards to visual effects," blueprint author Kenny Strawn wrote.