I have an elderly friend who thinks I'm smart because I have (so far) been able to answer his Mac question. Obviously, he has a lot of simple questions! :laugfhhard:
Today, however, he has me stumped! Here's the question/scenario:
In Mail, create a New Message (any method you can find). Now, attach something/anything:
When I do this, I see the attachment as a simple icon with its name and size:
When I receive it, it looks virtually identical:
However, I
have seen my attachments appear/display in the message I am composing.
My friend is concerned that
all his sent messages now seem to display the PDF inside the composed and received window! (The attachments are still displayed as icons just after the 'header info, of course)
I have tried using Rich Text and Plain Text settings with no display differences seen. Asked him to do the same but nothing changes there, either. I have used my wife's MBP and her version of Mail and it displays things exactly like mine. BTW, all three computers are using Mail v.4.4 (1082). The only difference in the prefs, as far as I can tell is that I don't allow remote images to display by default.
Have also tried changing to "NON-friendly Windows attachments." "Attach at end of message."
I've tried to assure him that seeing the file (usually a PDF) inside the message is not a problem, but he feels it is. He suggests that when he writes a message and notes what is in any attachments, he doesn't want/need those attachments to appear in the message where they may make it hard to read his actual text. I can understand his desire to keep attachments 'out of the way' until needed but I also suggested that what he sees and what the recipient sees may often be different, anyway, and he simply doesn't always have control over that. We both agree that neither of us seem to have control over how attachments display in our own window!
The closest to a solution, so far, is that when an attachment does appear as the actual data, one can righty-click it and select to show it as an icon. Of course, he as become dissatisfied with performing that exercise...