Does Pages have a mailing label option???
Of course! Unfortunately, I'm not at home so I can't point you to anything specific. And if you have Pages, you probably have Numbers. It still amazes me how many people use a spreadsheet as a "database!" But it should be usable for what you need, also. But I think Pages will be easier to set up; basically a series of text boxes aligned on the page to 'hit' the labels. Create one and duplicate it 29 times!
However, instead of copy & paste, I'd suggest dumping the FM info to a text file and use the Merge function of whatever word processor you end up using. Afterall, the computer is supposed to do kind of tedious stuff!
I was thinking more along the lines of plugging in the Avery Label number and, wa laaa up pops a nice screen all set up to input the data, not designing one. Word does this, Avery Design does this, File maker also. I have also attempted the text file route using 3 or 4 different text formats and while the data can imported to the various label programs it is never been in a format that the editing process would be more work than cut and paste.
Am up to Plan "c". now.