Looks like Adobe is climbing on the "Make-a-new-version-as-often-as-possible-to-maintain-the-revenue-stream" bandwagon. That philosophy was started by FireFox and embraced by Apple with its System software. Standard $20 discount for previous owners, $100 new.
Adobe has announced a new version of <
Elements 11> (Flash, of course, required to see all the glorious graphics
). However, you can see six
QuickTime vids about the new features, re-arranged interface and general look & feel, at the <
Elements Techniques site>. Not sure I will change my every-other-upgrade plan... It is amazing to see that Adobe actually listened/responded to the complaints about the insanely dark gray interface!
This make the text labels easier to read. But they also have increased the size of the tool icons. Still have some questions that are bound to come up as people start using this new version, we'll be interested in the comments, usually the complaints come first, of course.
Major improvement in refining a selection, looks like a great way to select frizzy hair! They've also 'borrowed' most of iPhoto's Faces, Places functions in their Organizer. Meh...